Brand | Relative Maturity | Features |
KGS 1530DT | Early |
- Excellent product for the plains and high stress environments
- Top performer in low-end yield response areas
- Great overall plant health and uniformity
- Very good drought tolerance and standability
- Good double crop or late planting option
- Double Team™ trait for additional over-the-top grass control
- Great for use on high pH soils
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KGS 1910AT | Early |
- Excellent product for the plains and high stress environments
- Highly tolerant to sugarcane aphids
- Excellent in low-end yield response areas
- Short statured plant with excellent stalk strength
- Quick drydown makes it a fit for high elevation acres
- Excellent choice for dryland and double cropping behind wheat
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KGS 2413AT | Medium |
- Well adapted for high stress and high yield environments
- Very uniform with very good eye appeal
- Very tolerant to sugarcane aphids
- Excellent head exertion and stalk strength
- Widely adapted from South Texas to Southern Nebraska
- Performs at high levels on good conditions but also on tough dryland conditions
- Good disease package and highly tolerant to head smut
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KGS 2402DT AT | Medium |
- Excellent product for the plains and high stress environments
- Top performer in low-end yield response areas
- Great overall plant health and uniformity
- Very good drought tolerance and standability
- Good double crop or late planting option
- Double Team™ trait for additional over-the-top grass control
- Great for use on high pH soils
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KGS 2112AT | Medium-Early |
- Well adapted for high stress environments
- Very uniform with very good eye appeal
- Adapted to conditions from Texas to South Dakota
- Excellent yield potential for maturity
- Strong performance on drought prone, low-end yield acres
- Western Kansas favorite
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KGS 2185AT | Medium-Early |
- Excellent yield potential
- Very uniform with very good eye appeal
- Highly tolerant to sugarcane aphids
- Excellent standability
- Widely adaptable from South Texas to Southern Nebraska
- Performs at high levels in good conditions but also in tough dryland conditions
- Excellent choice for acres with high pH issues
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KGS 2995AT | Medium-Full |
- Highest yield potential in product lineup
- Very uniform with excellent eye appeal
- Highly tolerant to sugarcane aphids
- Good disease resistance
- Should be planted in high rainfall or irrigated conditions
- Medium-tall hybrid that should be used where high top-end yields are expected
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