Backed by Warner Seeds, Kelly Green Seeds is equipped with one of the most productive, unique and diverse sorghum germplasm to support sorghum grower needs across America. When it comes to research, our plant breeders relentlessly work on developing new lines and hybrids that are adapted to key sorghum growing regions in America. Our research team has a testing footprint stretches from the Dakotas to the southern tip of Mexico to ensure all our new products advanced based on rigorous field-based data-driven decision-making process. With help from our R&D station in Mexico, we not only speed up the line and hybrid development process but also screen our germplasm for key pests and diseases in Bajío region, which is considered as hotspot for key sorghum pests and diseases.
Worldwide Sorghum Markets: Our diverse genetic base enables us to explore other markets across the world where our products can make a difference. We currently have products adapted to many agricultural regions of North and South America, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia. We remain committed to developing new and improved products to fit these unique areas.
Forage Sorghums / Hybrid Sorghum Sudangrass: We’re committed to the development of premium, high-quality, and high-yielding hybrid forage sorghum and hybrid sorghum-sudangrass. We provide and constantly strive to improve products containing special traits, such as Brown Midrib (BMR) and/or photoperiod sensitivity (PS), Brachytic Dwarf (BD) traits and tolerance to key diseases and pests such as Sorghum Aphids.
Grain Sorghum: Kelly Green Seeds offers a complete lineup of grain sorghums with a range of maturities from early to full-season hybrids. Our hybrids are developed, tested and proven to perform across the sorghum belt.
Sorghum Aphid Tolerance: Proven industry leader for unique and high level of sorghum aphid tolerance through several third-party field and molecular based experiments.
Food-Type Grain Sorghums: In addition to our grain and forage sorghum development program, we also work to design products that fit and perform in specialty markets. The continued development of markets in the food, ethanol and poultry industries has prompted us to focus on developing grain sorghums that have white grain and tan plant color.